Monday, February 23, 2004

I got back to school last night safely, and though I probably should be studying for my History exam this afternoon, I wanted to quickly post something on the weekend.

I had a wonderful time. Not only did I develop in my thinking and speaking skills, I got to know our team better and met some neat people from other colleges. PHC dominated the tournament, of course, winning first place awards in every category possible. Dan and I had a good first tournament. As of Friday night, we were undefeated, but lost Saturday morning ending up with a 4-2 record. We made it to out rounds, but were matched with a superior team from PHC. So we were eliminated by coach's decision. Our speaker points were good - I won the ninth place speaker award and Dan won tenth. Overall, we learned a lot and are looking forward to the next one. Now, back to studying...


PazGL said...

sounds like an enjoyable time..what is PHC transfer you know?

tpaulshippy said...

I'm not sure. You'll have to ask the admissions department.

Mdumee said...

You did a great job, Paul! Hope you come back for Fall Semester debating... Congrats on breaking at your first tournament - not many can claim such a feat, and most of those who can turned out to be really good debaters : )In Christ,Matthew du Mee