Monday, December 22, 2003

Well, I'm home for Christmas. My finals went very well and my trip home was fine. I will be getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow and will probably be working for two weeks at AOP starting next week. Merry Christmas everyone!


PazGL said...

he's back...woohoo..hey..what do you think about this can very easy be done..either after MM..or a weekend before (ie. sunday and saturday)..a parody of it my birthday/christmas gift to you. Let me know what you think when i come over for the TeenPact meeting..if that is still going to happen..

fiatluz said...

Paul, here's some helpful hints... Hydrocortisone is evil. It kills pain in the mouth, but a common side effect is nausea and "chucking cookies". Warm salt water rinses help numb the inside of your mouth and help the healing process. Putting an ice pack on each side of your face is the ONLY thing that will really help. If the pain meds aren't working, take lots of vitamin C and E, ecanaccia (sp?), cayenne, chammomille tea, and arnica. Arnica is a homeopathic treatment for trauma and bruising. It'll help with the swelling. Good luck, Paul! Watch lots of dumb movies and elicit pity from as many people as possible! :)