Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sermon by Rich Richardson on Romans 2:17-24

Knowing about God is no protection from God.

1. Spiritual privileges alone are insufficient.
The Jews were God's people. They had God's Word. They had a special relationship with God.
Over item they went from thinking of themselves as the people of God to the people who had God.

2. Spiritual privileges alone make hypocrites.
Do you practice what you preach?
There is a difference between a religious hypocrite who is going to hell, and a Christian struggling against hypocracy. Genuine Christians struggle against hypocracy because we are not what we should be. A hypocrite is someone who knows about God but does not live for God.

Spiritual privileges are never enough. Trusting in Jesus is always enough.
None of us is more than half awake. May we be awake enough to see the coming wrath of God and fall into the arms of Jesus asking for mercy.

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